In the context of the CERN openlab collaboration,
Jeff Arnold
(Intel), who is regularly assisting the openlab lecturers
during the
workshops organised with Intel, will give an IT
computing seminar at CERN on Friday 18 February, in the IT
Auditorium at 11:00.
His talk will focus on debriefing the performance-oriented
features of C++ Composer XE version 12.0, the latest release of
Intel's C/C++ compiler.
For more information:
CERN openlab
Performance-oriented features of the latest
release of the Intel® C/C++ compiler, Intel® C++ Composer XE
version 12.0, will be presented. New and improved vectorisation
and auto-parallelisation optimisation features for Intel®
Architecture-based processors, including the Intel® processor
code-named Sandy Bridge and the Intel® AVX architecture, will be
highlighted. Intel® Cilk Plus and a new array notation,
technologies for implementing parallelism in applications, will
be presented as well.
About the speaker:
Jeffrey M Arnold is a Senior Software
Engineer in the Intel Compiler and Languages group at Intel
Corporation. He has been part of the Digital->Compaq->Intel
compiler organisation for nearly 20 years; part of that time, he
worked on both low- and high-level math libraries. Prior to
that, he was in the VMS Engineering organization at Digital
Equipment Corporation. In the late 1980s, Jeff spent 2½ years at
CERN as part of the CERN/Digital Joint Project. In 2008, he
returned to CERN to spent 10 weeks working with CERN/openlab.
Since that time, he has returned to CERN multiple times to teach
at openlab workshops and consult with various LHC experiments.
Jeff received his Ph.D. in physics from Case Western Reserve
University (USA).