In the context of the CERN openlab collaboration, Herbert
Cornelius (Intel) will give an IT computing seminar at CERN on
Monday 6 February, in the Council chamber at 16:00.
His talk will focus on many-cores technologies with a strong
focus on the move to energy-efficient, high-throughput x86
computing (TFLOPS on a chip).
For more information:
CERN openlab
With Moore's Law alive and well, more and
more parallelism is introduced into all computing platforms at
all levels of integration and programming to achieve higher
performance and energy efficiency. Especially in the area of
High-Performance Computing (HPC) users can entertain a
combination of different hardware and software parallel
architectures and programming environments. Those technologies
range from vectorization and SIMD computation over shared memory
multi-threading (e.g. OpenMP) to distributed memory message
passing (e.g. MPI) on cluster systems. We will discuss HPC
industry trends and Intel's approach to it from processor/system
architectures and research activities to hardware and software
tools technologies. This includes the recently announced new
Intel(r) Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture for
highly-parallel workloads and general purpose, energy efficient
TFLOPS performance, some of its architectural features and its
programming environment. At the end we will have a brief look at
Exa-Scale computing, its challenges and opportunities.
About the speaker:
Dr. Herbert
Cornelius is WW HPC Solution Architect at Intel with focus on
technical, high-performance computing (HPC) and many-core
computing. Before he was Engineering Manager in Intel's Cluster
Software & Technologies group in EMEA, working on scalable
parallel computing hardware & software solutions based on
vectorization, multi-threading and message-passing utilizing
multi-core/multi-processor cluster platforms. Before joining
Intel, he served as Manager High-End Computing Europe at Fujitsu
and worked at Cray Research from 1983 to 1990. He received a
Ph.D. degree in Mathematics and Diploma degree in Mathematics
and Informatics from Technical University of Berlin, Germany.