CERN openlab for DataGrid Applications - Thematic Workshop Series
Industrializing the Grid - Draft Programme CERN, June 13th – 14th 2005
Auditorium, Building 31 3rd floor Organizer: François Grey Day 1 (IT Auditorium)
Introductory talks 09:00–09:10 Introduction and Status of CERN openlab (Wolfgang von Rueden, Head of IT Department and Head of CERN openlab) 09:10–09:30 Opening up openlab - opportunities to broaden the scope of the partnership (Francois Fluckiger, Manager of CERN openlab)
EGEE and middleware 09:30 – 10:30 Status of EGEE and gLite middleware and plans for EGEE Phase 2 (Bob Jones, Technical Director of EGEE)
10:30– 11:00 Coffee break
Industry dimension
NB: participants encouraged to submit further questions for the morning and afternoon Q&A sessions prior to or at the workshop. Some FAQs include:
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
Practicing industrialization
14:00-14:45 Experience of
adding new architectures to the LCG production environment
(Sverre Jarp - CTO of openlab)
17:00_17:30 Wrap-up session: Summary of recommendations to EGEE
and openlab managements (chaired by Francois Grey) Day 2 (CERN openlab openspace, Building 513 R-070)One-to-one meetings Detailed schedule tbc 08:00-12:00 Intel and HP - Detailed schedule tbc 14:00-16:00 IBM (Phone conference)