Daniel Rodrigues

openlab technical personnel, funded by partner SIEMENS

Daniel Rodrigues graduated in 2004 at University of Porto, Portugal in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. His final project was concluded at the European Space Agency on Neural Networks for power consumption and thermal behaviour predictions on spacecrafts. Coming to Cern afterwards as Portuguese trainee, he started his work on grid gLite software components. After a one year hiatus from research developing software at MFG.com, returned to Cern and initiated is collaboration with openlab. During 18 months, worked as a fellow with EDS on the Messaging System for the Grid (MSG), which is now available for enhancing Grid Monitoring and Operations Automation on the Grid. From 1st of March 2009, Daniel started collaborating as an openlab Staff with ETM/Siemens. The aim of the project is to improve their SCADA solution, PVSS, which is the solution adopted at Cern for supervising the control systems used at LHC and associated experiments.