openlab Summer Student Programme 2011

CERN is where the World Wide Web was born over 20 years ago and where dizzying challenges in networking, data processing and storage abound!



Who should apply?

B.Sc., M.Sc., or Ph.D. students in Computer Science or Physics, interested in working on cutting edge technology projects for two months during the period June-September 2011, with the possibility of follow-on projects in their home institutes.


openlab students 2010 at CERN

How to apply?

The application must be submitted to by 31st March 2011 and the following documents should be attached to it: student’s CV, recommendation letter(s) by university supervisor(s) and a motivation letter with an indication of the preferred area of work. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Confirmation of student placement will be made to the students and their supervisors by early May.


The stipend for a two-month internship is CHF 5000 for travel, accommodation and per diem, sponsored by CERN and the CERN openlab industrial partners. Students must have their own health and accident insurance.

Student projects

Several projects and groups at CERN participate in the openlab student programme, including the WLCG (Worldwide LHC Computing Grid). Examples of projects that students undertook in 2009 include:

- Automation for WebLogic servers management

- Monitoring tools for the Grid

- Virtual machine technology for distributed computing

- New template engine for Indico

- Graphics processing units to accelerate data analysis

A report on the work project carried out is to be handed in at the end of the student stay.


Possible dates of stay can be checked here.


Contact: openlab (dot) students (at) cern (dot) ch



Open up your mind and apply!