openlab summer student program 2007


CERN is where the World Wide Web was born…


…and where you can be part of the next IT revolution: the Grid!


The Web provides seamless access to information around the world. The Grid will provide seamless access to globally distributed processing power and data storage capacity.



How to apply

The recruitment is now closed.

To qualify for the CERN openlab student programme you should be studying for a Bachelor, Master or Ph.D. in Computing or Physics.

All nationalities may apply, provided the home institute supports the application and is prepared to share costs.

The successful candidates will spend two months at CERN during the period June-October of 2007.

openlab students and supervisors in the CERN Computer Centre 


As well as the project work, the students receive training in all aspects of Grids from LCG, EGEE and CERN openlab staff and take part in study tours to regional IT centres of interest.






Join the CERN openlab student programme!