About openlab summer student program 2008

CERN is where the World Wide Web was born…


…and where you can be part of the next IT revolution: the Grid!


The Web provides seamless access to information around the world. The Grid will provide seamless access to globally distributed processing power and data storage capacity.



CERN needs the Grid to solve the huge data challenge of the Large Hadron Collider, which will produce millions of gigabytes of data each year. Just like the Web, the Grid is bound to have practical applications well beyond the realms of high energy physics - in medicine, commerce, finance and much more.

By joining the CERN openlab student programme, you will work with some of the latest hardware and software technologies for the Grid at CERN, and see how advanced IT solutions are used in high energy physics.


You will also hear about how CERN’s industrial partners are developing Grid technology for industrial and commercial purposes, through external lab visits and special invited talks.


The CERN openlab student programme is much more than just a summer at CERN. It can lead to follow-on projects in your home institute at the bachelors, masters or Ph.D. level. It may even inspire you to become an entrepreneur in the emerging Grid business.


Open up your mind…and apply.


Download openlab student programme flyer (pdf)


Contact: sverre (dot) jarp (at) cern (dot) ch



Join the CERN openlab student programme!