openlab summer student programme 2008


CERN is where the World Wide Web was born 20 years ago...


…and where dizzying challenges in networking, data processing and storage abound!





How to apply

The deadline for applications which should be submitted electronically by e-mail to sverre (dot) jarp (at) cern (dot) ch is 31 March 2009.

Please attach your CV, a motivational letter stating why you want to join the programme and a letter of support from a supervisor at your home institute.

To qualify for the CERN openlab student programme you should be studying for a Bachelor, Master or Ph.D. in Computing or Physics.

All nationalities may apply, provided the home institute supports the application. Note that normally your home institute is expected to co-fund your stay at CERN (equivalent of 2'500 CHF). Your supervisor should specify in the letter of support whether co-funding will be available.

The successful candidates will spend two months at CERN during the period June-September of 2008.

openlab students and supervisors in the CERN Computer Centre 


As well as the project work, the students receive training in all aspects of Grids and High Throughput computing from CERN IT Department staff and take part in study tours to regional IT centres of interest.



Contact: sverre (dot) jarp (at) cern (dot) ch



Join the CERN openlab student programme!