Arsalaan Shaikh

openlab Summer Student, EN/ICE, from 18/07/11 to 09/09/11

My name is Arsalaan Ahmed Shaikh. I graduated from NED University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan with a Bachelor degree in Computer Science & Information Technology in 2007. During under graduation one of my major interest was digital signal processing, I linked up with a media content and advertisement monitoring agency to work on algorithms for automatic advertisement detection. Currently I am a student at School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science a constituent college of National University of Science & Technology (NUST), Pakistan as a MSIT student. At NUST I am working with Semantic Systems Research Group and Cloud Computing Group on projects such as cloud based HL7 compliant EMR and image processing with Map Reduce. Here at CERN I am working on building a private cloud infrastructure using Opennebula and VMWare ESXi.