List of Students participating in the openlab Student Programme 2010

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007


First Name



Project Name

Supervisor name

BAJRAMI Gazmend Gjovik University College, Gjovik, Norway
IT-DI The TRoIE (Test-bench for Robustness of Industrial Equipments) Reporting System
Filippo Tilaro
BANERJEE Imon National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India

IT-DI Performance Benchmarking Julien Leduc
BECHE Alexandre SUPINFO Grenoble, France
IT-DB Implementation of corrective actions for policies violations in Oracle enterprise manager
Anton Topurov
MICU Cornel Salzburg University of Applied Science, Salzburg, Austria

IT-DI A shared library for information system access Oliver Keeble
MIHAJLOVSKI Nikolche Institute of Informatics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Skopje, Macedonia
IT-UDS New template engine for Indico Jose Benito Gonzales Lopez
PANTALEO Felice Instituto Nazionale si Fisica Bari, Bari, Italy
IT-DI Graphics Processing Units as accelerators for data analysis applications
Alfio Lazzaro
POPESCU Diana-Andreea Politechnica University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
IT-DI The extraction and performance monitoring of the latest benchmark representatives of the four main LHC experiments' software
Andrzej Nowak
REGEP Cristian University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

CERN School of Computing (CSC) website management as well as technical assistance during the two-week school in Uxbridge, UK

Francois Fluckiger
SANDU POPA Marius George Politechnica University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
IT-DB Automating management for web logic server on JRockit-VE
Carlos Garcia Fernandez
SOUTO MOURE Fabio University of Vigo, Campus de Ourense, Spain

IT-UDS CERN Document Server (CDS) development Tibor Simko
TAUBER Tomas University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
IT-DB Automation and optimisation in IT-DB Oracle VM virtualisation systems Giacomo Tenaglia
VEZNAVER Robert University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia

IT-GT Grid Technologies, Tools for Operations and Monitoring
Wojciech Lapka
WU Jie Chinese Academy of Science (IHEP)
IT-DI CERN virtual machine technology for clusters and distributed computing

Predrag Buncic
WU Wenjing Chinese Academy of Science (IHEP)
PH/SFT CERN virtual machine technology for clusters and distributed computing

Ben Segal
YORDANOV ROBEV Boris University of Sofia, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia, Bulgaria

IT-PES Automation of CERN accounting data collection for WLCG
Steve Traylen


(1): Department / Group