Yesterday (the 27th) the openlab
Monthly Review meeting covered two topics: A TOP500 run in the
Computer Centre and a project documentation proposal.
A. Hirstius presented the TOP500
run he had done together with colleagues from FIO and CS plus
involvement of experts from Intel. The newly acquired Core 2 Duo
servers, interconnected with 1 Gb Ethernet, made up the cluster.
By using 340 servers, which corresponds to 1360 cores, he was
able to achieve 8329 GFlops after intensive tuning and
optimization efforts. This would put us in position 79 in the
current list, so we hope to be around position 140 in June when
the new list
will be published!
S. Jarp covered a proposal for
documenting the openlab projects via "Project Sheets". By having
such documentation available in HTML, it will be easier to
produce summaries of activities and results on our Web pages,
but also in Quarterly Reviews and Annual Reports. There was a
good discussion of the proposal during the talk with valuable
input from several people. The next step is now to put in place
the "machinery" that will automate the handling of such project
Both presentations are available to
the openlab Web pages.
S. Jarp
CERN openlab CTO |