External Press Articles
12 Oct 2010
On the Grid-Cloud Border at CERN
is an advanced HPC facility located astride the
Franco-Swiss border in Geneva and interestingly, is also
sharing the gray space on the border between internal
grid and cloud computing, according to Sverre Jarp, CERN
openlab Chief Technology Officer.
In the
11 Oct 2010
CERN openlab: Forging Connections Between Science and IT
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Organization
for Nuclear Research (CERN) is a multidisciplinary
project that has involved thousands of scientists,
engineers, operations personnel, and administrators.
11 Oct 2010
When Worlds Collide - The strong bond between CERN and
Oracle puts a powerful spin on physics.
since Albert Einstein unveiled his general theory of
relativity in 1915, physicists have attempted to devise
a universal theory that can explain how all the
particles and forces in the universe interact.
8 Sep 2010
30 Aug 2010
Ars Tecnica
25 Aug 2010
Intel et Nokia unis dans la 3D et les terminaux nomades
Intel, Nokia et l’université finlandaise d’Oulu
inaugurent l’Intel and Nokia Joint Innovation Center dans le centre-ouest du pays.
Le Reporter .net
6 Jul 2010
Intel To Target 'Many-Core' Chips at Highly Parallel
will soon go into production with a Many Integrated Core
(MIC) architecture that uses the x86 instruction set to
create high-performance computing platforms running at
trillions of calculations per second.
Campus Technology
17 Jun 2010
Intel readies MIC architecture for high-end computing
revealed plans for many-core processors targeting
high-end computing and claims that its Many Integrated
Core architecture would help accelerate highly parallel
EE Times India
14 Jun 2010
Intel tips plan for 50-core processor
day after Nvidia’s Tesla chips helped China’s Nebulae
supercomputer land second place on the Top 500 list,
Intel announced plans for many-core processors targeting
high-end computing.
Only Hardware Blog .com
13 Jun 2010
Intel tips plan for 50-core processor
day after Nvidia’s Tesla chips helped China’s Nebulae
supercomputer land second place on the Top 500 list,
Intel announced plans for many-core processors targeting
high-end computing.
EE Times
5 Jun 2010
Plans Giant Co-Processor
has started laying the groundwork for what it says will
eventually be at least a 50-core x86 co-processor called
Knights Corner based on a newfangled Many Integrated
Core (MIC) architecture.
SOA World
4 Jun 2010
Intel’s Many Integrated Cores (MIC) announcement
of interesting things were announced at the
International Supercomputing Conference (ISC’10) this
Cisco Blog
2 Jun 2010
Intel Channels 'Larrabee' for HPC Processor Architecture
At the
ISC 2010 show, Intel officials introduced "Knights
Corner," a processing architecture aimed at the parallel
computing applications inherent in the HPC field.
E week
2 Jun 2010
2 Jun 2010
Intel présente ses futurs produits pour le calcul
cours de l’International Supercomputing Conference
(ISC), la société Intel a annoncé qu’elle proposerait de
nouveaux produits fondés sur l’architecture Intel® MIC
(Many Integrated Cores).
Infohightech .com
1 Jun 2010
Intel Knights Corner: 50 core in una CPU
nuova architettura multicore chiamata Intel Many
Integrated Core (MIC) porterà un nuovo potenziale per i
computer ad alte prestazioni per calcoli complessi.
1 Jun 2010
SC'10: Intel Larrabee ist da
Auf der Coprozessorkarte Knights Ferry sitzt ein
Grafikprozessor Larrabee sei tot, so heißt es
allgemein – aber das gilt nur für Grafikkarten.
C'T Magazin
1 Jun 2010
Slash Gear
1 Jun 2010
Intel Unveils 50-Core Supercomputing Processor
has announced a new multi-core processor, and the fact
that it was introduced at the International
Supercomputing Conference (ISC) instead of the
consumer-oriented Computex show taking place at the same
time should be an indication of its target market.
Hardware Central
1 Jun 2010
Plans Giant Co-Processor
has started laying the groundwork for what it says will
eventually be at least a 50-core x86 co-processor called
Knights Corner based on a newfangled Many Integrated
Core (MIC) architecture.
Developer's Journal (JDJ) - Sys-con Media
1 Jun 2010
Intel Unveils Plans for HPC Coprocessor
Chipmaker Intel is reviving the Larrabee technology for
the HPC market, with plans to bring a manycore
coprocessor to market in the next few years.
HPC wire
1 Jun
Intel announces MIC 22nm 50+ core architecture
Last week, Intel announced to the semiconductor industry
that it was scrapping plans to bring its Larrabee
project to market.
1 Jun
Intel unveils many-core Knights platform for HPC
Intel has announced a new Many Integrated Core
architecture for massively parallel processors,
describing it as the industry's first general purpose
many-core architecture.
ZD net
1 Jun 2010
Knights Corner: Intel dévoile ses premiers processeurs à
50 coeurs
puces Intel Knights Corner proposeront plus de 50 cœurs
de calcul proposés sur carte PCI Express. Une solution
idéale pour les supercalculateurs, car elle pourrait
être relativement facile à exploiter.
1 Jun
Intel preps many-core 'Knights Corner' processor
Corp. has said it plans to offer many-core processors
targeting applications in high performance computing.
EE Times Europe
1 Jun
Intel puts x64 in a parallel universe
We've all been wondering exactly what Intel would do
with various multicore x64 processors that had been
designed as co-processors to accelerate graphics and
other applications with lots of number-crunching.
Channel Register
1 Jun
Intel's Knights Corner chip targets supercomp mkt
Aiming at the growing market of supercomputers,
Corp announced on Monday its plans for a new class of
many-core processors.
News (ciol.com)
31 May
Golem .de
31 May
Tom's hardware
31 May
Trading - house .net
31 May
PC Perspective
31 May
Intel Knights Corner, 50 core per confermare Moore
necessità di avere a disposizione sempre una maggiore
potenza di calcolo ha portato nel corso degli ultimi
anni allo sviluppo delle cosiddette soluzioni
multi-core: la possibilità di unire due o più core
all'interno della stessa CPU ha rappresentato un passo
determinante per continuare la curva di crescita
indicata da Moore nella sua tanto famosa legge.
Business Magazine .it
31 May
Intel: nouvelle gamme de produits à hautes performances
a dévoilé lundi une famille de produits capables de
réaliser plusieurs trillions de calculs par seconde à
l'occasion de la conférence ISC (International
Supercomputing Conference) de hambourg.
31 May
Intel Reshapes HPC Computing with 22nm Knights Corner
Larrabee might be dead but the technology that almost
spawned it definitely isn't. This is what Intel
confirmed today while at the International
Supercomputing Conference in Hamburg, Germany
31 May
Intel Many
Integrated Core Chips to Extend Intel's Role in
Accelerating Science and Discovery
Benchmark Reviews
31 May
Intel Unveils Knights Corner Accelerator for
Highly-Parallel Applications.
the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), Intel
Corporation announced plans to deliver new products
based on the Intel many integrated core (MIC)
architecture that will create platforms running at
trillions of calculations per second, while also
retaining the benefits of standard Intel processors.
31 May
Inside HPC
31 May
インテル、50コア以上の「Knights Corner」開発計画を発表
Intelは、大規模な並列プロセッサ向けの新たな「Many Integrated
CNet Japan
31 May
集成众核(MIC)架构的全新产品。这种架构有助于打造每秒万亿次计算的平台, 同时使用户继续享受英特尔� 至强� 处理器的优势。 英特尔计划推出的首款相关产品 (研发代号:Knights
Corner) 将主要面向勘探、科学研究以及金融或气象模拟等高性能计算领域,并采用英特尔22纳米制程工艺 ―― 其集成的单个晶体管最小尺寸可达22纳米(1纳米=十亿分之一米) 。 该产品也将延续摩尔定律的推动力 ―― 将单个芯片上英特尔计算内核的集成度扩充至50个以上。鉴于绝大多数工作负载仍然能够在屡获殊荣的英特尔�
至强� 处理器上良好运行,计划推出的英特尔� 集成众核(MIC)架构则旨在帮助加速特定的高度并行化的应用。
Sohu .com
31 May
Les futurs produits Intel pour le calcul intensif
fondeur Intel a pu, lors de l’International
SuperComputing Conference, montrer qu’il proposerait de
nouveaux produits basés sur l’architecture Intel MIC
(Many Integrated Cores) pour donner naissance à des
plateformes effectuant plusieurs billions de calculs par
seconde tout en offrant les avantages des processeurs
Intel standards.
IT channel .info
31 May
Intel Unveils New HPC Product Plans
During the International Supercomputing Conference
(ISC), Intel Corporation announced plans to deliver new
products based on the Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC)
architecture that will create platforms running at
trillions of calculations per second, while also
retaining the benefits of standard Intel processors.
HPC wire
31 May
Intel: nouvelle gamme de produits à hautes performances
Intel a dévoilé lundi une famille de produits capables
de réaliser plusieurs trillions de calculs par seconde à
l'occasion de la conférence ISC (International
Supercomputing Conference) de hambourg.
Votre Argent .fr / L'express
31 May
Intel Unveils MIC Architecture Based Products For High
Performance Computing - Update
Chipmaker giant Intel Corp. (INTC) Monday, during the
International Supercomputing Conference, announced its
plans to deliver new products based on Intel Many
Integrated Core or MIC architecture that is anticipated
to create platforms running at trillions of calculations
per second, while also retaining the benefits of
standard Intel processors.
RTT News / Dailymarkets .com
31 May
Intel brings Many Integrated Core plans to HPC
Intel announced a
new Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture at the
International Supercomputing Conference in Hamburg
Thinq .co .uk
31 May
Intel Unveils New Product Plans for High-Performance
high-performance computing segments such as exploration,
scientific research and financial or climate simulation,
the first product, codenamed “Knights Corner,” will be
made on Intel's 22-nanometer manufacturing (nm) process
– using transistor structures as small as 22 billionths
of a meter – and will use Moore's Law to scale to more
than 50 Intel processing cores on a single chip.
Market Watch
31 May
Intel Unveils New Product Plans for High-Performance
high-performance computing segments such as exploration,
scientific research and financial or climate simulation,
the first product, codenamed “Knights Corner,” will be
made on Intel's 22-nanometer manufacturing (nm) process
– using transistor structures as small as 22 billionths
of a meter – and will use Moore's Law to scale to more
than 50 Intel processing cores on a single chip.
31 May
Intel Unveils New Product Plans for High-Performance
high-performance computing segments such as exploration,
scientific research and financial or climate simulation,
the first product, codenamed “Knights Corner,” will be
made on Intel's 22-nanometer manufacturing (nm) process
– using transistor structures as small as 22 billionths
of a meter – and will use Moore's Law to scale to more
than 50 Intel processing cores on a single chip.
Business Wire
31 May
Intel Unveils New Product Plans for High-Performance
high-performance computing segments such as exploration,
scientific research and financial or climate simulation,
the first product, codenamed “Knights Corner,” will be
made on Intel's 22-nanometer manufacturing (nm) process
– using transistor structures as small as 22 billionths
of a meter – and will use Moore's Law to scale to more
than 50 Intel processing cores on a single chip.
Herald Online
31 May
Intel Unveils New Product Plans for High-Performance
Targeting high-performance computing segments such
as exploration, scientific research and financial or
climate simulation, the first product, codenamed
“Knights Corner,” will be made on Intel's 22-nanometer
manufacturing (nm) process – using transistor structures
as small as 22 billionths of a meter – and will use
Moore's Law to scale to more than 50 Intel processing
cores on a single chip.
PR Inside
4 May
OpenLab Multi-threading and Parallelism Workshop
A fifth instance of the Multi-threading and
Parallelism Workshop will be held on the 4th and 5th of
May 2010 at CERN.
tspcern .blogspot
19 Apr
Oracle Introduces Java Virtualization Solution for
Oracle(R) WebLogic Suite
Oracle today announced Oracle Virtual Assembly
Builder and Oracle WebLogic Suite Virtualization Option
to help make running Java applications in a virtualized
environment easy and practical.
Yahoo! Finance
19 Apr
Oracle Introduces Java Virtualization Solution for
Oracle(R) WebLogic Suite
Oracle today announced Oracle Virtual Assembly
Builder and Oracle WebLogic Suite Virtualization Option
to help make running Java applications in a virtualized
environment easy and practical.
The Gaea Times
19 Apr
Oracle Introduces Java Virtualization Solution for
Oracle(R) WebLogic Suite
Oracle today announced Oracle Virtual Assembly
Builder and Oracle WebLogic Suite Virtualization Option
to help make running Java applications in a virtualized
environment easy and practical.
19 Apr
Oracle Introduces Java Virtualization Solution for
Oracle(R) WebLogic Suite
Oracle today announced Oracle Virtual Assembly
Builder and Oracle WebLogic Suite Virtualization Option
to help make running Java applications in a virtualized
environment easy and practical.
United Press
10 Apr
Wykład Sverre Jarp
Koło Studentów
Informatyki ma zaszczyt zaprosić Wszystkich na wykład
Sverre Jarp , który odbędzie się 15.04.2010 o godz. 16 w
Sali wykładowej 0004 na wydziale Matematyki i
Informatyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
Koło Studentów Informatyki
26 Mar
The automation of the largest and fastest machine in the
When the largest
particle accelerator ever built becomes operational at
CERN, the nuclear research centre in Geneva, physicists
hope to gain new insight into matter and what holds it
together. The accelerator and its safety will be
controlled and monitored by 130 control systems
featuring ‘hardened’ automation technology from Siemens.
Dunia Engineering Indonesia
25 Mar
The automation of the largest and fastest machine in the
When the largest
particle accelerator ever built becomes operational at
CERN, the nuclear research centre in Geneva, physicists
hope to gain new insight into matter and what holds it
together. The accelerator and its safety will be
controlled and monitored by 130 control systems
featuring ‘hardened’ automation technology from Siemens.
plc scada systems .blogspot .com
24 Mar
La 14e édition d’Inforum se tient au Globe de la science
et de l’innovation
14e édition d’Inforum se tient depuis hier au Globe de
la science et de l’innovation. L’occasion pour Alp ICT
de vous présenter les entreprises que le cluster
Blog .ALPICT .com
24 Feb
Telecom Paris Tech
5 Feb
PHYSIQUE NUCLEAIREQuand l’openlab montre la voie de la
C’est désormais
connu. Le CERN est le berceau du web. Mais pour traiter
la masse d’informations produite par les différentes
expériences des physiciens et les données générées par
le désormais célèbre accélérateur LHC, l’établissement
européen a dû se prévaloir d’un centre informatique au
Top - News .ch
22 Jan
The automation of the largest and fastest machine in the
When the largest
particle accelerator ever built becomes operational at
CERN, the nuclear research centre in Geneva, physicists
hope to gain new insight into matter and what holds it
together. The accelerator and its safety will be
controlled and monitored by 130 control systems
featuring ‘hardened’ automation technology from Siemens.
Control Engineering Europe