The openlab is a
unique undertaking at CERN. The only large-scale structure
for developing industrial R&D partnerships, it comprises
three dimensions: the Creation of Expertise, the
Communications activities, and the Education dimension. The
three are interlinked.
Expertise is
created through the evaluation of solutions as well as
genuine research and development on IT technologies. It is
then disseminated through multiple communications channels
(including our
The third dimension, the openlab education programme,
complements the dissemination of knowledge, and constitutes
an essential pillar of the
The openlab education programme provides
active dissemination. This is where it differs from passive
dissemination such as
publication of reports or articles. This active
dissemination is currently achieved through three lines of
or seminars
are regularly organized at CERN on advanced
topics directly connected to openlab
projects, such as Database Performance,
Many-Core Programming or Optimized
Programming of Modern Processors. Several of
these workshops combine hands-off theory
with hands-on practice.
openlab experts contribute to off-site
education activities such as the
CERN School
of Computing.
openlab runs a special
summer student programme which in itself
is a genuine education undertaking. Indeed,
every year, a dozen young undergraduate
students join CERN for 2 months. Their stay
is financed by an innovative tripartite
funding scheme (Industry, Universities and
CERN). When at CERN, not only do they "learn
by doing" but they attend a programme of
lectures focusing on advanced IT technology,
and combining fundamentals and CERN specific
hot topics.
We will regularly report on recent achievements and plans
on openlab education in this education corner.