In the Monthly Review meeting on
May 22nd we had two presentations.
First Max Böhm reviewed the
initial plans for the joint collaboration between EDS and CERN
in the area of Grid Monitoring. Even if he has only been active
at CERN for a short time, Max was able to cover the current
monitoring situation and propose a strategy for improving it,
both in the short and long term. He also announced that a
workshop will be organized next month on the topic.
Andrzej Nowak described the
unavoidable move to multicore processors. The large number of
cores can be exploited with the current strategy of launching
independent processes, but in the long term, a move to
multithreading seems unavoidable. He mentioned that a workshop
is being organized on this very topic later this month. He also
covered performance tools and a review that had been done on
graphics processors.
Both presentations led to some
interesting discussions. The foils can be found on the openlab
Web pages as usual.
S. Jarp
CERN openlab CTO |