In the September Monthly meeting
we had two presentations. Dharminder Rattu, an Associate from
Karlsruhe reviewed performance of both synthetic and
applications benchmarks in a virtualized environment. Multiple
virtualization solutions had been used for testing and the tests
had been carried out with the help of an openlab summer student
and in collaboration with the ALICE experiment.The synthetic
benchmarks showed that it is costly to invoke supervisory
functions, such as memory allocations or network i/o, in an
intensive manner when running virtualized.
In a second presentation, Sverre Jarp, reviewed recent
processors from AMD, Intel, and Sun, especially in the light of
evolving multi- and many-cores. He concluded that we will
continue to see "fat" cores in reasonable numbers (4 - 8), but
that, increasingly, we will see transistors deployed to create
large numbers of cores and threads. Specialized functional units
are also on the horizon. The speaker also reviewed some
recommendations for more agile software in such an environment.
Both presentations are available on the openlab Web site.
S. Jarp
CERN openlab CTO |