Sverre Jarp,
openlab CTO, and
Andrzej Nowak,
openlab team member, organized and ran a full training series
at the 31st
edition of the
CERN School of Computing
which took place in
Gjøvik , Norway, from the 25 August
to the 5 September 2008.
The series, part of the
Base Technologies theme,
comprised three hours of lectures and three hours of exercises
and focused on Computer Architecture and Performance Tuning.
This series capitalized on the experience gained in the openlab
in the context of the
Platform Competence Centre.
In addition, Dr.
Herbert Cornelius,
Technical Director of the Intel Advanced Computing Center in
EMEA , and Technical Contact for Intel-CERN openlab activities,
gave an
after-dinner presentation
the theme: “From Nano-Scale to Peta-Scale Computing”.