Craig Barrett, chairman of the
Board of Intel, visited CERN on 27th January,
accompanied by Barbara Barrett, former Ambassador of the United
States of America to Finland. This was his second visit to CERN
underlining the long-term relationship between Intel and CERN
openlab since 2003.
After an introduction to CERN and an update on the LHC programme
by Sergio Bertolucci, Director for Research and Computing, they
visited the Atlas experiment guided by Peter Jenni and Andrew
Lankford, followed by a descend into the LHC tunnel lead by Lyn
In the afternoon, Craig Barrett gave a well attended talk within
the CERN Computing Colloquium series on the topic
“Inspiring Innovation”, highlighting Intel’s massive
investment in innovation, both in hardware and software. He
showed as an example a prototype of a 300mm wafer containing
over 100 processor units, each containing 80 cores, representing
a power of over 100 Teraflops on the wafer.
video of the talk can be viewed by clicking on
this link
Next, our guests came to CERN openlab to discuss strategic
issues concerning our relationship with Intel who recently
signed an extension for another three years. The visit ended
with a dinner, hosted by the Director General Rolf-Dieter Heuer.
Wolfgang von Rüden
Head of CERN openlab