In the context of a new project
launched in collaboration with HP ProCurve, one of our
major industrial partners, the CERN openlab is hiring a young
engineer. The person hired will join the Communications
Systems Group of the Information Technology Department.
We offer for this function
a CERN fellowship position.
Send your
CV and a short letter
as soon as
possible and in any case
before the 5th of January
2010 to:
Carlos Luna Duran, CERN, IT Department)
Note: if you do not have to send a complete C.V at short
notice, you may send first, by email, a simple
"declaration of intent" with a short CV, and
send later (but in any case not after the deadline above) your
full application.
Details of the fellowship position and indication on how to
apply (deadline to apply: 05/01/2010)