is a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system
used extensively at CERN to protect the experiment equipment.
The ETM’s PVSS related activities of the openlab started in
February 2009 and have been focused on training while handling
some development tasks.
Besides achievements on the Installation Tool, a tool which
allows automated
deployment of PVSS-based applications in the CERN
environment, and porting the PVSS CVS plugin to SVN, a major
contribution was already delivered on the Oracle Archiver code.
The purpose of the PVSS Oracle Archiver is to
store/retrieve historical data and alarms. It is widely used at
CERN and by other ETM clients. With the introduction of the
version 3.8.1 of PVSS, some stability and performance issues
have been identified. These issues have been solved in the
context of the openlab in collaboration with ETM’s developers in
Eisenstadt. The fixes have been distributed through an official
patch release for the benefit of the whole ETM’s users’
Daniel Rodrigues
CERN openlab