CERN openlab
has been teaming up with Intel
to organize regular training for
CERN’s programmers. Even though
four regular workshops relating
to two major computing topics
were established more than 2
years ago, it is not unusual for
the sessions to be
oversubscribed. Thanks for
openlab’s collaboration with
Intel and Hewlett-Packard, each
of the participants at the
mentioned workshops has the
comfort of working on a
dedicated 8-core machine with a
suite of tools, including Intel
Software tools such as compilers
and multi-threading optimizers.
One of the two workshop series, held twice a
year for two days, aims to prepare attendees for the multi-core
future, and relates to multi-threading technologies and
parallelism. The other series, also held twice per year for two
days, teaches programmers how to write efficient code for
today’s computing cores based on the Intel Architecture. CERN
openlab lecturers
Sverre Jarp and
Andrzej Nowak, assisted by Jeff Arnold from Intel as well as
a guest speaker, have recently led a session of this type for 35
participants. The topics covered ranged from computer
architecture, through benchmarking, optimization and compilers
to high level issues seen in specific programming languages.
In addition, Intel and openlab organized a
separate two day workshop for CERN’s key developers in
mid-September. This special event was focused on getting the
best performance out of applications and hardware by using tools
such as the Intel Performance Tuning Utility.
Another event of this type is foreseen for 2010. It will be
targeting an expert audience as well.
Andrzej Nowak
published in CERN Computer Newsletter.