During three weeks of July, CERN was visited by Dr. David
Levinthal from Intel Corporation.
Dr. Levinthal, who for a decade had previously worked at CERN as
a physicist in the ALEPH experiment, is now a principal engineer
at Intel, working on certain facilities in future processors.
While staying at CERN in July 2010, he collaborated with CERN
openlab and LHC experiments on performance optimisation.
One of the highlights of David Levinthal's visit was a two-day
workshop jointly organised by Intel and CERN openlab, during
which advanced programmers were able to get a grasp of several
crucial topics related to performance on modern processors. The
areas covered included processor architecture, modern
performance monitoring unit design and practical hands-on labs
with the latest, yet unreleased version of the Intel Performance
Tuning Utility.
The following presentations were delivered:
The materials and support documentation used in conjunction with
the performance analysis class are available for download:
Andrzej Nowak, CERN openlab