This year,
15 students
from 12 different countries (Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, China,
Croatia, Czech Republic, France, India, Italy, Macedonia,
Romania and Spain) were part of the CERN openlab Summer
Student Programme and worked at CERN in the IT, EN and PH
departments for two months during the period June - September.
A special series of
9 lectures were given to the students by CERN experts from mid-July to early August, on advanced CERN-related topics.
Based on the feedback received from the students who had
participated in the 2009 edition, the topics covered this year
were strongly CERN specific technologies oriented. The students
were also given the opportunity to attend the
general CERN summer student programme lectures.
Tomas Tauber, one of the CERN openlab summer students, was
actually one of the 28 students (out of the several hundred ones present at
CERN this summer) to be selected to present the results of his
two-month work during these lectures. The
presentation as well as the
video of his
talk entitled 'Virtualization: Beyond the physical machine
limits' are both accessible online. Most of the summer students
reports are available to you on the
'technical documents' section of the CERN openlab website.
The article he wrote in the autumn issue of the
Mensa Czech magazine is also available to you on
page 30.
Finding a place to live is a real challenge in Geneva. The
students participating in the CERN openlab summer student
programme benefit from a very special and cheap hosting
facility: the city of Meyrin exceptionally give them the
opportunity to leave in one of the city nuclear shelters (a
Swiss specificity) located in the city at a particularly low
cost. This year, all the students decided to go for this
solution and lived together in 'La Golette'. Undeniably a strong
experience and a real team building exercise which made their
stay with us absolutely unforgettable!
Mélissa Gaillard, CERN openlab