On 2 September
Xavier Gréhant, who was an HP fellow in CERN openlab II
(2006-2008), successfully defended his PhD thesis at Telecom-ParisTech.
The thesis is entitled "Efficient,
non-obstructive scheduling on computing grids using virtual
execution environments".
The jury consisted of: President: Prof. Pierre Manneback, Mons
University, Belgium Evaluators: Prof. Yves Robert, ENS Lyon and
Prof. Jean-Marc Vincent Grenoble University, Members:
Sverre Jarp (CERN) et Isabelle Demeure (Télécom ParisTech)
Guest: Michel Benard (HP).
We are also pleased to report that
Michal Kapalka, who
was an openlab summer student in 2003 and 2004, successfully
defended his PhD thesis ("Theory
of Transactional Memory") at EPFL earlier this summer.
We congratulate both of them for their great achievements.
Sverre Jarp, CERN openlab