LHC Grid
Fest was celebrated the 3rd of October at CERN, Geneva, in the
This fest
celebrated the readiness of the
LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), an e-infrastructure conceived and
designed to support this data challenge, and with it the
research of more than 9000 physicists around the globe.
CERN openlab
sponsors contribution to WLCG was highlighted during this day
and the sponsors benefited from major exposure.
In the
Wolfgang von Rüden, Head of CERN's IT department and Head of
CERN openlab,
delivered a presentation focusing of CERN openlab activities.
Robert Aymar, CERN Director General, presented the
LHC computing awards
to Intel and Oracle for their outstanding contribution to LHC
In the
afternoon, during a session chaired by
Sverre Jarp, CERN openlab CTO, the following speeches were
delivered by openlab sponsors:
presentations were followed by a
Q&A session.
CERN openlab
activities were also mentioned in several press releases related
to the LHC Grid Fest: