CERN openlab Phase I -
Installation and configuration of LCG middleware on
Installation of LCG on IA64
does not yet support apt. Thus the following procedure is proposed:
Download the rpms manually
following the instructions here.
Install the rpms, then use YAIM to configure the middleware. The
current YAIM release needs a small patch to work with IA64. This is
described in the LCG-2_4_0 release notes for IA64. To
install LCG-2_4_0 on IA64 read first the following documents (keep
in mind that apt is not supported on IA64):
Read the
LCG Generic Installation and Configuration document.
Read the
Release notes for LCG-2_4_0 on Intel Itanium 2.
Don't skip the "Release notes
for LCG-2_4_0 on Intel Itanium 2" - they contain important
information to install LCG properly on IA64 !
Further documents to read: